Haptics in Gaming

Computer games are played by users in a virtual environment, which is often controlled by the computer system itself. Computer games have developed much over the past two decades from traditional text-based console games to highly sophisticated graphic-rich computer games that can be played on dedicated gaming consoles. Computer games have become popular not only with casual game enthusiasts but also among hardcore gamers. In fact, computer games are so popular that many schools use computers and computer games for teaching purposes. This form of education is especially helpful to those children who are inclined towards science and math but do not enjoy the subject as much as their peers. This type of schooling requires that students work on puzzles, carry out calculations, solve problems, create circuits, and much more.


Gaming can provide an outlet for social interaction and provides a venue through which people can learn new tasks and skills. A computer game or console game is any computer or video game that entails interaction with a human user interface device, including a keyboard, mouse, joystick, or motion sensitive device. The use of video games has increased dramatically over the past two decades with the development of first person shooter games that require the player to view his character as though he were actually walking around the real world. Another popular type of game is motorized racing games, which require players to operate a vehicle without taking advantage of physical actions.

Motion-detecting devices such as handheld consoles such as the Sony PlayStation and Nintendo Wii use the principle of passive infrared (or IR) headers to determine where the player’s fingers are in relation to the screen. By using two or more motion-sensitive devices, a player is able to interact with his game characters using his own body movements and motions instead of relying solely on the use of eyes or ears. Video game manufacturers have capitalized on the ability of these two types of devices to capture and communicate physical activities performed by players; this allows them to create highly complex games with hundreds or thousands of on-body sensors all functioning together to give the illusion that the game characters are actually walking around or moving their hands, respectively.

The PlayStation Move and Nintendo Wii utilizes motion-detecting devices with slightly more functionality than the Sony PlayStation Moves or the Wii Fit. Rather than using the two main deep learning models described above, developers have more recently created hybrid deep learning models that utilize the principles of both passive infrared and video-game play. A hybrid model may be defined as a specialized system that utilizes some aspects of both passive infrared and video-game play in order to function more effectively. A good example of a hybrid deep learning system is Cognea, which uses deep learning technology to both watch video advertisements and participate in on-site real-life commercials. The system was developed by a University in Canada.

The haptic feedback controller or haptic glove was invented by a computer programmer who was trying to improve the quality of the user experience of playing the game. He therefore designed haptic gloves, which are worn with the gaming system. The purpose of haptic gloves is not only to provide a comfortable and familiar interface for the user to interact with the game, but to also capture physical actions that the player perceives as natural movement. The glove has three primary components:

The primary component of a haptic glove is a flexible material that is tailored to your hand and acts as a kind of spring that gives way when pressure is applied to it. The second component of the glove is a suitably adapted clip that captures the physical actions of your hands so that the system can approximate them. The third component is a physical actuator that, in the case of the gaming system, applies force to simulate shooting or other bodily functions. The clip and the actuator work together to give you a full range of physical interaction with the game. Haptics are being used in many different areas of gaming from Mixed Martial Arts to fitness to racing.