Beauty And The Natural Selection Process


Beauty And The Natural Selection Process

Beauty is commonly defined as a mental attribute of things that makes these things aesthetically pleasing to see. These things include sunsets, landscapes, art and other works of art. It is said that beauty is subjective and there are no rules to define it. Beauty, along with beauty and taste, is often the basis of aestheticism, one of the most influential branches of art history. Other important topics of aesthetic studies include impressionism, theoria, decorative art, modern art, and pre-modern art.

According to some theories, beauty has a reproductive function in that it helps to establish the health of the brain. According to this theory, beautiful things are those which are aesthetically appealing to the human eye and nose, and these are generally the very objects which are mentally satisfying. Beautiful things and their appealing appearances stimulate the brain and thus increase the production of certain brain chemicals, including dopamine, a chemical associated with pleasantness.

Dopamine levels increase during the perception of beauty and are thus associated with reproductive success. Beauty also stimulates the release of hormones such as serotonin, resulting in feelings of well being. Thus attractive faces and pleasant smells have been found to be associated with better health and happiness.

In addition to the brain-stimulating effects of beauty, there is also potential for beauty to have an effect on behavior. When we are exposed to beauty, we become more attentive, responsive and cooperative in our thinking and our behavior is then likely to follow suit. This may explain why unattractive individuals have higher response rates in tests of cognitive ability and have greater academic achievement. We already know that people who are attractive are more likely to get promoted or have a successful career. In nature, attractive creatures with greater reproductive potential such as birds or fish are more abundant than unattractive ones and therefore have more opportunities to mate.

People who are more attractive have larger neural pathways in their brain than others, which allows them to make quicker and more reliable judgments about facial appearance. For example, a study showed that the visual cortex, which is a small region deep within the brain, was more activated when participants looked at photographs of faces which were more physically attractive. The same pattern was observed in smokers: those who smoke had stronger connections between the visual cortex and the nucleus accumbens, which are responsible for making decisions about smoking behavior.

According to the natural selection theory, evolution has selected individuals who are most attractive due to their ability to reproduce and pass their genes on to future generations. It is therefore reasonable to assume that our brains are wired to be attracted to and respond to physical attractiveness. This explains why some people are naturally attracted to beauty in others, and why people find it difficult to look away from their own beauty. While the results of this study cannot prove that natural selection is the sole factor that determines human beauty, it does suggest that there may be an important part of the equation.

What Are the Benefits of Gaming?

Computer games have a variety of titles. They can be educational, practical, and entertainment. An education and fitness game for kids or adults concentrate on critical thinking and problem solving skills, while an entertainment game is aimed at bringing someone back from a tough day at the office. All games however, have one common element: the act of playing.


A computer or video game is usually an interactive system that involves input from a user, or interactivity with a system-user, to produce visual output on screen. These systems allow users to use their brains in ways they never thought possible. It’s not surprising then, that with computers becoming so common in businesses, schools, libraries and just about everywhere, that video games are increasingly used to interact socially with peers, family members, co-workers, and often other people from around the world.

Gaming may have many benefits to those who play it. For example, playing online allows parents to monitor what their children are doing online, which can sometimes be a problem. Computer and Internet security varies greatly, so it is especially important to make sure that security is enabled when children are using computers. Also, with the growing use of online gaming, there are increasing concerns about online safety and abuse, and it is up to all concerned parents to make sure that their children are using safe and appropriate technology when they are online.

Gaming can also help relieve stress. For those who participate in massively multiplayer online role-playing games or video games, this is true every day. The act of playing a massively multiplayer game gives participants a way to create relationships and friendships with people from all over the world, while building up their experience and skills through use of their character’s weapons and abilities. Many video games offer quick reference guides and forums for players to consult when need be.

Finally, gaming provides an escape for many people. It can be considered a stress reliever, a good form of entertainment, and a way to exercise and stay in shape. Gaming on personal computers has even become more advanced in recent years, with many game consoles now supporting online gaming between computer systems.

Although gaming does provide many positive benefits to society, there are some critics. Some experts argue that the focus of most game titles is for children. They argue that it is unhealthy for young adults to spend too much time immersed in virtual reality. Other critics argue that virtual reality lacks substance because it does not have real world consequences for players. However, these critics often fail to take into consideration the many benefits that gaming has to offer to its players. In the end, the decision of how much time to spend in front of a computer screen will be up to the individual gamer.