Beauty – A Dialectic Concept


Beauty – A Dialectic Concept

Beauty is often defined as the quality of things that makes these things enjoyable to perceive. These things may be natural objects, humans or works of art. Beauty, along with aesthetic sense and art, is the most significant part of aesthetics, among the various branches of art history. The word beauty was first used in the nineteenth century by the French naturalist Albert Camille Ouellette.

According to him, the beauty is the “receptivity” of objects. Ouellette believed that beauty consists of the “appearance” and not the “absence.” He used the term “appearance” for what we see in a thing and “abstraction” for what we do not see. Ouellette also believed that there are two types of aesthetic sense: visual and olfactory.

In today’s social media landscape, which is largely influenced by the global advertising strategy of mass media, some designers have proposed that the term beauty has too much baggage, especially on the part of advertisers. The debate over whether or not beauty should necessarily equate to market power has heated up even further. Many designers who are dissatisfied with the current social media landscape have adopted an “anything goes” attitude when it comes to the aesthetic values of their work.

However, this line of thinking has gone too far. Fashion critics of art believe that beauty is inextricably intertwined with the work of artists. The social media world targets and attacks beauty in a way that critics feel is unbecoming to both the artists and the public at large. While some social media users may not agree with this stance on beauty, there are others who support it, believing that beauty should be embraced and encouraged.

The beauty industry, as many people know, is thriving. It seems that the success of the fashion industry can no longer be avoided or predicted. The success of the fashion industry can be attributed to the ever-changing tastes of its consumers and the evolution of new designs that challenge the conventions of beauty. Although some may disagree with the notion that beauty should necessarily come from the insides of clothing, there are those who believe that fashion has nothing to do with beauty. Instead, some argue that beauty is inherent to a person and is something that is inherent to the culture, regardless of what particular cultural norms are employed in the fashion industry.

As more female designers enter the limelight, the public continues to demand more beautiful women in the workplace. As many critics argue, beauty should never have to be associated with marketing efforts or marketing campaigns, which ultimately serve to promote the status quo. Instead, beautiful women should be viewed as individuals with their own perspectives on beauty. Dazed beauty, real beauty and the idea of what is beautiful have become an integral part of our culture and our lives. While there may still be debate as to whether or not beauty should truly be defined as something that is internal or intrinsic to a person, there is no denying that beauty has become an integral part of the modern age.