Philosophy of Beauty


Philosophy of Beauty

Beauty is commonly defined as an attribute of objects, which makes these objects pleasant to see. These objects may be nature, humans, landscapes and works of art. Beauty, along with beauty, is the most important theme of aesthetics, among the major branches of art history. The word ‘arte’, derives from the Greek word ‘aesthetic’, which means beauty. The word ‘Aesthetician’ comes from the Greek word ‘aesthetic’, meaning “appealing to the eye”.

The most prominent philosophers who wrote about aesthetic theories are Plato, Aristotle, Renne, Szeliga, Helmuth von Moltke, Jean Piaget, and Sir Alfred Solly. Early modern aesthetics developed out of the French and Italian philosophies which spoke of the aesthetic senses, or the physical senses. These were later developed by the German philosophers in the period of the’Enlightenment’up to the 18th century. Modern aesthetics, a philosophical study of beauty in the light of scientific knowledge, is present in the works of Jean Sondheimer, Maxim Htinck, Immanuel Kant, Leo Tolstoy, Peter Schimmel, Arnold Zaltman, Daniel Defoe, Edward Said, Immanuel Benzoechini, Alfred Binet, Max Weber, Hans cousin, Leo Tolstoy, and Edward Said.

Beauty and art are two different concepts, where beauty is an objective quality and an object, whereas art is subjective. The aesthetic sense can be described as recognizing and enjoying the aesthetic experience. According to the philosophy of aesthetics, beauty differs according to culture, tradition, mood, or intention. In aesthetic experience, an individual finds beauty in the harmony created by objects, in the feelings of delight received in the presence of such objects, in the achievements of artists, and in the emotions of the spectator evokes at the sight of beautiful things.

According to the new aesthetics, beauty has a universal value, for it is universally seen in nature, irrespective of culture and time. Beauty is therefore, not a synonym of beauty. The term beauty therefore refers to an attitude that satisfies the need of the ‘satisfaction’ of which beauty is the immediate outcome, and that satisfies the desire for the attainment of which beauty is the end. In short, according to modern aesthetics, beauty is the proper satisfaction of our aesthetic need, while being proportionate to the equal proportion of wisdom, knowledge, and social position that the pursuit of beauty implies.

Beauty as a philosophy is a very complex one, in which many questions are unanswered. It is difficult to generalize and say that a thing is beautiful because we all agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This, however, does not mean that we have no method of judging beauty. We can say that certain things are beautiful because we enjoy looking at them, and that certain things are not beautiful because we do not enjoy looking at them. Beauty then, as a philosophy, can be nothing but a subjective judgment that differ from person to person.

The idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that what may look like a beauty to me, may look like filth to you may concern some problems, for it is often difficult to find a common ground between aesthetics and religion. For many people, aesthetics may lead to self-pity, and the search for the perfect image of the divine. It may also lead to pretension, for there are many images that are both beautiful and false. Aesthetic beauty, therefore, may be both false and real, depending on our point of view. If we look at beauty in this way, we may be able to make some improvements.